Sunday, November 17, 2013

An Easy Introduction to Creative Writing

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at creative writing?
Here's an easy way to get started, to begin working that part of your brain. I'll give you a "Writing Prompt" here every month. You submit your best short short story-- no more than 500 words. 
That's it! No prizes, no critique, no pressure. 
Just a free-for-all storytelling session.
Are you ready to try? Here we go!
Writing Prompt #1: 
You're sitting in a library reading a book. You finish your book and close it. When you do this, you notice writing on the back of your hand. It's your own handwriting, though you have no memory of having written the message you find there.
Any ideas?

You have 500 words to tell us what's happening!

Submitted by Laura Lovic-Lindsay